
As well as providing training and a GDPR Toolkit (details below) I also provide extended support to people who have attended training, bought the toolkit, or just need some friendly guidance. The GDPR Toolkit can be found here http://www.adaptconsultingcompany.com/gdprtoolkit/ Jersey Business as supporting the GDPR Training and they can be found at https://www.jerseybusiness.je/get-advice/it-office-systems/data-protection-small-business/

Monday, 5 February 2018

Facebook - am I allowed to individually message these people asking them if they would like to support us?


Last year a large number of people ‘liked’ a particular Facebook post of ours. Many obviously have a link to our organisation but are not known to us as members. As part of a membership drive, am I allowed to individually message these people asking them if they would like to support us? (I am not sure whether this falls into the GDPR category particularly...)




When people join Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter they do so knowing that there data is “public” and so they have agreed (by signing up to Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter) to offer their data on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.

Importantly Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter give them the right to accept to reject your link with them. So by all means connect, but if they reject your connection you should respect that.

If you do connect, make sure you get their permission if you do anything else with their data – like adding it to a mailing list!


If you need more specific support (for example a meeting) I know the Jersey Community Partnership and Association of Jersey Charities are looking to co-ordinate some resources with various local suppliers. Where necessary grant funding may be available.


Jersey Data Protection Association

There is a list of Jersey Data Protection events here

For a general understanding of GDPR I highly recommend the guidance of Jersey’s Data Protection Authority

1 comment:

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