
As well as providing training and a GDPR Toolkit (details below) I also provide extended support to people who have attended training, bought the toolkit, or just need some friendly guidance. The GDPR Toolkit can be found here http://www.adaptconsultingcompany.com/gdprtoolkit/ Jersey Business as supporting the GDPR Training and they can be found at https://www.jerseybusiness.je/get-advice/it-office-systems/data-protection-small-business/

Friday, 19 January 2018

Can I promote an event and nominations of people and organisations for awards through Facebook?


Can I promote an event and nominations of people and organisations for awards through Facebook?


Simple Answer: YES. However there are some things to consider.

GDPR is about sensible data protection and making sure personal information is accurate, fair, confidential and secure. There are requirements to make sure that you only use personal information for its agreed purpose, and that the “data subject” (you or me) has rights over their data, including knowing what you hold, how you use it and why.

If you are promoting organisations then clearly this is not personal information and nobody is going to be embarrassed or annoyed, or indeed suffer harm. If however you are gathering people’s name, address, email, or other personal information you have a duty to get their agreement and keep the information confidential and only for the agreed purpose.

If you use a form to gather the information and on that form you make clear the circumstances and the right for the nominee to say “NO” then the process is really straight forward. Make sure however you delete all the data after the awards, since it is wrong to keep data beyond its need or purpose.

What you should avoid is sharing or leaking information or publishing anything without their agreement.

This is an extreme example, but it illustrates a point. Don’t publish the name, address, email and activities of someone without their agreement because doing so might compromise their right to a peaceful life.  I know you would never do this, but it is important to explain that the purpose of GDPR is to protect people (you and me) and our privacy.


You can find more GDPR Questions and Answers here

If you have a question  about GDPR feel free to email me at timjhrogers@gmail.com, or come to St Paul's Centre, Tuesday 30th January from 1pm to 3pm.

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